
The settings listed below apply globally and can be set from the command line or from a configuration file. They are used to configure options and otherwise control the generation process.

In addition to the optional settings listed below, you should also set a host with the following code in your configuration file:

Settings[Keys.Host] = "";

While most generated links are relative to ensure local testing works, some links need to be absolute such as feeds. This setting ensures the correct URL is generated for those links.

  • BlogKeys.ArchiveExcerpts: System.Boolean

    Specifies whether the excerpts should be output on the archive page(s) (if not specified or false, only the title and description will be displayed). Note that this also controls displaying excerpts on the tag archive pages.

  • BlogKeys.ArchivePageSize: System.Int32

    The page size for the archive page (if not specified, no paging will be used).

  • BlogKeys.AtomPath: Wyam.Common.IO.FilePath or System.String

    Specifies the path where the blog Atom file will be output. The default value is feed.atom. Set to null to prevent generating an Atom feed.

  • BlogKeys.CaseInsensitiveTags: System.Boolean

    Set to true to make tag groupings case-insensitive.

  • BlogKeys.Description: System.String

    The description of your blog (usually placed on the home page).

  • BlogKeys.GenerateArchive: System.Boolean

    Specifies whether an archive should be generated (the default is true).

  • BlogKeys.IgnoreFolders: System.String or IEnumerable<string>

    This should be a string or array of strings with the name(s) of root-level folders to ignore when scanning for content pages. Setting this global metadata value is useful when introducing your own pipelines for files under certain folders and you don't want the primary content page pipelines to pick them up.

  • BlogKeys.Image: System.String

    The relative path to an image to display on the home page.

  • BlogKeys.IncludeDateInPostPath: System.Boolean

    Setting this to true uses the year and date in the output path of blog posts. The default value is false.

  • BlogKeys.IndexFullPosts: System.Boolean

    Specifies whether the full post content should be output on the index page(s) (if not specified or false, only the excerpt will be output).

  • BlogKeys.IndexPageSize: System.Int32

    The page size for the index page(s) (if not specified, a default of 3 will be used).

  • BlogKeys.IndexPaging: System.Boolean

    Specifies whether index pages should be generated (if not specified or false, only the first index page will be generated).

  • BlogKeys.Intro: System.String

    A short introduction to your blog (usually placed on the home page under the description).

  • BlogKeys.MarkdownConfiguration: System.String

    Set this to control the activated set of Markdown extensions for the Markdig Markdown renderer. The default value is "advanced+bootstrap".

  • BlogKeys.MarkdownExtensionTypes: System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1

    Set this to add extension Markdown extensions for the Markdig Markdown renderer. The default value is null;

  • BlogKeys.MarkdownPrependLinkRoot: System.Boolean

    Set to true to prepend a configured LinkRoot to all root-relative Markdown links.

  • BlogKeys.MetaRefreshRedirects: System.Boolean

    Set to true (the default value) to generate meta refresh pages for any redirected documents (as indicated by a RedirectFrom metadata value in the document).

  • BlogKeys.NetlifyRedirects: System.Boolean

    Set to true (the default value is false) to generate a Netlify _redirects file from redirected documents (as indicated by a RedirectFrom metadata value).

  • BlogKeys.PostsPath: Wyam.Common.IO.DirectoryPath or System.String

    Controls the parent path where blog posts are placed. The default is "posts". This affects both input and output files (I.e., if you change this your input files must also be under the same path).

  • BlogKeys.ProcessIncludes: System.Boolean

    Indicates that include statements should be processed using the Wyam.Core.Modules.IO.Include module. The default behavior is not to process includes.

  • BlogKeys.RdfPath: Wyam.Common.IO.FilePath or System.String

    Specifies the path where the blog RDF file will be output. The default value is null which prevents generating an RDF feed.

  • BlogKeys.RssPath: Wyam.Common.IO.FilePath or System.String

    Specifies the path where the blog RSS file will be output. The default value is feed.rss. Set to null to prevent generating an RSS feed.

  • BlogKeys.TagPageSize: System.Int32

    The page size for tag archive pages (if not specified, no paging will be used).

  • BlogKeys.Title: System.String

    The title of the blog.

  • BlogKeys.ValidateAbsoluteLinks: System.Boolean

    Set to true (the default value is false) to validate all absolute links. Note that this may add considerable time to your generation process.

  • BlogKeys.ValidateLinksAsError: System.Boolean

    Set to true (the default value is false) to report errors on link validation failures.

  • BlogKeys.ValidateRelativeLinks: System.Boolean

    Set to true (the default value) to validate all relative links.

Note that this list isn't exhaustive. Some modules used by the recipe may have their own settings that you can set as well. General settings are also available to every recipe.
