Shortcodes are small but powerful macros that can generate content in your documents. Click here to learn more about shortcodes in general.
CodePen | Embeds a CodePen pen. |
Embed | Calls an oEmbed endpoint and renders the embedded content. |
Figure |
Generates HTML5 figure elements.
Giphy | Embeds a Giphy gif. |
Gist | Embeds a GitHub gist. |
Highlight Wyam.Highlight | Adds code highlighting CSS styles. |
Include | Includes a file from the virtual file system. |
Link | Renders a link from the given path, using default settings or specifying overrides as appropriate. |
Meta | Renders the metadata value with the given key from the current document. |
Raw | A special shortcode that will output whatever is in it's content. |
Table | Renders an HTML table. |
Renders a Tweet. | |
YouTube | Embeds a YouTube video. |