
Renders an HTML table.
The content of the shortcode contains the table with each row on a new line and each column separated by new lines. Enclose columns in quotes if they contain a space. Note that since the content of a shortcode may get processed by template engines like Markdown and the content of this shortcode should not be, you probably want to wrap the shortcode content in the special XML processing instruction that will get trimmed like <?* ... ?> so it "passes through" any template engines (see example below).


Example usage:

<?# Table Class=table HeaderRows=1 ?>
Vehicle "Number Of Wheels"
Bike 2
Car 4
Truck "A Whole Lot"
<?#/ Table ?>

Example output:

<table class="table">
      <th>Number Of Wheels</th>
      <td>A Whole Lot</td>


The following parameters can be used without names in the order below or with names (provided they are named) in any order. When using named parameters, the syntax should be `Name=Value` or `Name="Value"`.

  • Class

    The class attribute to apply to the table element.

  • HeaderRows

    The number of header rows in the table.

  • FooterRows

    The number of footer rows in the table.

  • HeaderCols

    The number of header columns to the left of the table.

  • HeaderClass

    The class attribute to apply to the thead element.

  • BodyClass

    The class attribute to apply to the tbody element.

  • FooterClass

    The class attribute to apply to the tfoot element.
