This example will ensure that if "Date" exists, it can convert to a valid DateTime.
This example will ensure "Age" (1) exists, (2) can convert to an integer, (3) and is greater than 0 and less than 121.
If it fails any assertion, the provided error message will be output. (In this case, those two assertions could be rolled
into one, but then they would share an error message. Separate assertions allow more specific error messages.) Assertions will
be checked in order. Any assertion can assume all previous assertions have passed. Error messages will be appended with
the document Source and Id properties to assist in identifying invalid documents.
.WithAssertion(a => a > 0, "You have to be born.")
.WithAssertion(a => a <= 120, "You are way, way too old.")
ValidateMeta(string key)
Performs validation checks on metadata.
The meta key representing the value to test.
Fluent Methods
Chain these methods together after the constructor to modify behavior.
Declares the entire check as optional. Is this is set, and the meta key doesn't exist, no checks will be run.
WithAssertion(Func<T, bool> execute, string message = null)
Performs validation checks on metadata.
The assertion function, of type Func<T, bool> where T is the generic parameter of the ValidateMeta declaration. Assertions are strongly-typed and can assume the value has been converted to the correct type. If the function returns false, the check failed, an exception will be thrown, and execution will halt.
The error message to output on failure.