
Replaces the content and merges metadata of each input document with the results of specified modules.
Replaces the content and merges the metadata of each input document with the results of the specified modules executed against an empty initial document. If more than one output document is generated by the specified modules, each input document will be merged with each result document.


  • Merge(IEnumerable<IModule> modules)

    The specified modules are executed against an empty initial document and the results are applied to every input document (possibly creating more than one output document for each input document).

    • modules

      The modules to execute.

  • Merge(params IModule[] modules)

    The specified modules are executed against an empty initial document and the results are applied to every input document (possibly creating more than one output document for each input document).

    • modules

      The modules to execute.

Fluent Methods

Chain these methods together after the constructor to modify behavior.

  • ForEachDocument()

    Specifies that the whole sequence of modules should be executed for every input document (as opposed to the default behavior of the sequence of modules only being executed once with an empty initial document). This method has no effect if no modules are specified.
