
Executes modules and concatenates their output with the input documents.
The specified modules are executed with an empty initial document and then outputs the original input documents without modification concatenated with the results from the specified module sequence.


  • Concat(IEnumerable<IModule> modules)

    Executes the specified modules with an empty initial input document.

    • modules

      The modules to execute.

  • Concat(params IModule[] modules)

    Executes the specified modules with an empty initial input document.

    • modules

      The modules to execute.

Fluent Methods

Chain these methods together after the constructor to modify behavior.

  • Where(Func<IExecutionContext, IDocument, IReadOnlyList<IDocument>, bool> predicate)

    Specifies a predicate to use when determining which documents to concatenate with the original list.

    • predicate

      The predicate to evaluate.
