
There are several ways to download and install Wyam depending on which platform you're using and how much automation and control you want. Wyam currently requires .NET Core 2.x to be installed on your system.

Global Tool

The easiest way to install Wyam is via the global tool package named Wyam2.Tool. You can install it like this:

dotnet tool install -g Wyam2.Tool

Then you can use it with the wyam2 command:

dotnet wyam2 ...

On non-Windows systems you might need to add .NET Global tool folder to the environment path variable, for your shell to find the wyam command. If running Bash you can add it to your .bash_profile like below (echo ~/.dotnet/tools will give your absolute path to .NET global tool folder):

cat << \EOF >> ~/.bash_profile
# Add .NET Core SDK tools
export PATH="$PATH:/home/{username}/.dotnet/tools"

Zip File

To download Wyam as a zip file, visit the Releases page and download the most recent archive. Then unzip it into a folder of your choice. That's it. .NET Core framework-dependent deployment, which means it's shipped as a DLL assembly that requires the dotnet CLI bootstrapper to run. You may also want to add the folder where you unzipped Wyam to your path, but that step is optional.

Once you download the ZIP archive and extract it somewhere, running Wyam looks like:

dotnet /path/to/wyam/Wyam.dll ...

Tools Package

One of the NuGet packages provided by Wyam2 is a "tools package". This means that it includes the wyam executable as well as all other required libraries in a special "tools" subfolder that gets unpacked when the package is downloaded. This is helpful in cases where you want to obtain the Wyam command line application from NuGet (as opposed to downloading it directly). For example, a tools package allows you to easily use Wyam in Cake build scripts.

For more information about how tools packages work, see the excellent blog post How to use a tool installed by Nuget in your build scripts.


Wyam can be installed via Chocolatey using the following command:

choco install wyam2

A specific version can be installed with the following command:

choco install wyam2 --version 3.0.0

You can update Wyam2 with Chocolatey using the following command:

choco upgrade wyam2

If you would like to bypass the Chocolatey registry and install the tools package from the NuGet gallery instead (not recommended), you can use the following command:

choco install Wyam2 -s https://www.nuget.org/api/v2/


If you're developing addins or you want to embed Wyam in your own applications you can use Wyam2.Common for developing addins and Wyam2.Core for embedding the engine. These are both available as packages on NuGet. If you're embedding Wyam and your configuration requires other libraries (such as modules), you may also have to search NuGet for related Wyam2 libraries and add those too.

Development Builds

You can also get the latest nightly builds from GitHub feed from https://nuget.pkg.github.com/Wyam2/index.json

To use the nightly feed inside a Wyam configuration file for a particular module, specify it like this:

#n Wyam2.Markdown -s https://nuget.pkg.github.com/Wyam2/index.json -l

The -l flag indicates that the latest version of the specified package should always be used.

For more details about working with GitHub NuGet registry, see official docs.
