Migrating to 0.12.x

The 0.12.x series of releases is a chance to "reset" some things that worked well when this was just a smaller project but need to change as Wyam serves more use cases. These changes will set the project up for a number of new features in the 0.13.x releases such as recipes and themes.


This release included some changes to NuGet packages to better handle additional extension points down the road (such as recipes, themes, file providers, etc.):

  • The ability to specify a NuGet version range is back. This is good news for constraining which versions of packages are used in your build in order to make them consistent and repeatable. Unfortunately, it's also a breaking change because the NuGet version range convention specifies that specific versions be enclosed in [ and ] brackets. Wyam had been using an unadorned number for specific versions, which now indicates that version or anything higher.
    • If you specify specific versions for any NuGet packages, surround the version with [ and ] to maintain the existing behavior.
  • In order to better represent that Wyam extension packages may contain other extensions beyond modules, all of the Wyam packages have been renamed from Wyam.Modules.* to Wyam.*. For example, Markdown support can now be found in Wyam.Markdown.
    • Change all of your NuGet package names to the new name without the .Modules component.


The major breaking change in 0.12.1 is that every module is no longer included with the core distribution. This was necessary because as the number of modules has increased, the distribution size has as well, and it was getting to the point that the core distribution was becoming larger than desired for simple use cases. You will now need to declare any non-core modules using preprocessor directives in your configuration file:

#n -p Wyam.Modules.Markdown

Alternatively, you can download a meta-package that contains references to all official Wyam module packages:

#n -p Wyam.Modules.All


In general, the steps to migrate look like the following:

Here is a little more detail about the changes:

  • All paths are now case sensitive (see case sensitivity for a discussion of why).
  • Modules now use globbing patterns instead of simple file search patterns.
  • Methods to manually specify search depth and apply conditions that globbing can cover (such as limiting to specific extensions) have generally been removed.
  • Path metadata set by modules such as ReadFiles is now typed as FilePath or DirectoryPath.
    • You can still easily get a string by using IMetadata.String() but direct casts to string (I.e., (string)document["key"]) may fail.
  • IDocument.Source is now a FilePath and must be absolute (modules should use the static string NormalizedPath.AbstractProvider as the provider for a source path if the document was generated internally).
  • PathHelper is no longer available, use instance methods of FilePath and DirectoryPath instead.
  • IMetadata.Link() has been moved to ExecutionContext.GetLink() and link settings like host and root path can be globally controlled with OutputSettings


Several modules that interact with the file system have been updated. An attempt was made to either retain backwards compatibility or provide temporary legacy modules that would work the same way the old ones did. However, the differences between the native System.IO classes we had been using and the new multi-provider IO abstraction were just too great. Instead of spending lots of effort writing code specifically to support backwards compatibility, the decision was made to make a clean break and update the existing modules in place. The section below describes the most important changes and how to adapt your site.


The ReadFiles constructor now accepts one or more globbing patterns. This easily covers everything the old version used to, plus enables much more powerful file searching. For example, instead of using a pattern of "*.md" and .FromAllDirectories() you can just use the globbing pattern "**/*.md". Because the globbing patterns cover recursion, the methods to manually specify depth have been removed. The method for limiting extensions has also been removed as that can be represented in the globbing patterns.

In addition, many situations that would have required a predicate with .Where() can now rely on globbing patterns. For example, ReadFiles("*.cshtml").Where(x => System.IO.Path.GetFileName(x)[0] != '_') can now be written as ReadFiles("{!_,}*.cshtml"). Because the globbing patterns work differently than the old style patterns, it's recommended that you read and understand them before migrating your modules.

ReadFiles.Where() has been modified to pass an IFile instead of just a string path. If you need your predicate to operate on the path, just look at IFile.Path. This will allow more complex conditional reads, such as when the file was created.


The changes to CopyFiles are similar to those for ReadFiles. The constructor now accepts one or more globbing patterns and the methods to manually specify depth have been removed. The method for limiting extensions has also been removed as that can be represented in the globbing patterns. CopyFiles.Where() has been modified to pass an IFile instead of just a string path.

Rss and Sitemap

The link/location customizers are now Func<FilePath, FilePath> instead of a Func<string, string>.
