Wyam.Testing.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
CountModule The primary module interface for classes that can transform or otherwise operate on documents.
StringExtensions Extensions for testing strings.
TestDirectory Represents a directory. Not all implementations will support all available methods and may throw System.NotSupportedException.
TestDocument A simple document that stores metadata in a Dictionary without any built-in type conversion. Also no support for content at this time.
TestExecutionCache A test cache that always misses.
TestExecutionContext An Wyam.Common.Execution.IExecutionContext that can be used for testing.
TestFile Represents a file. Not all implementations will support all available methods and may throw System.NotSupportedException.
TestFileProvider A provider that can instantiate Wyam.Common.IO.IFile and Wyam.Common.IO.IDirectory objects from their paths.
TestFileSystem A file system for testing that uses a single file provider.
TestMetadata A test implementation of Wyam.Common.Meta.IMetadata.
TestSettings Stores global settings that control behavior and execution.
TestTraceListener Throws exceptions on error or warning traces, but only for the current thread

Interface Types

Interface Summary
ITypeConversions Provides simple type conversions for use in tests.