Wyam.Core.dll Assembly

Class Types

Class Summary
Append Appends the specified content to the existing content of each document.
ArgumentSplitter Splits a string into quoted arguments delimited by spaces.
Branch Evaluates the specified modules with each input document as the initial document and then outputs the original input documents without modification.
CodePen Embeds a CodePen pen.
Combine Combines all of the input documents into a single output document.
Concat Executes modules and concatenates their output with the input documents.
ConcatBranch Executes a sequence of modules against the input documents and concatenates their results and the original input. This is similar to Wyam.Core.Modules.Control.Branch except that the results of the specified modules are concatenated with the original input documents instead of being forgotten.
Content Replaces the content of each input document with the string value of the specified content object.
CopyFiles Copies the content of files from one path on to another path.
CopyMeta Copies the specified meta key to a new meta key, with an optional format argument.
CustomDocument Derive custom document types from this class to get built-in support.
CustomDocumentFactory<T> Responsible for creating new document instances.
DirectoryMeta Applies metadata from specified input documents to all input documents based on a directory hierarchy.
Documents Inserts documents into the current pipeline.
Download Downloads from HTTP and outputs the results as new documents.
DownloadRequest A download request for use with the Wyam.Core.Modules.IO.Download module.
Embed Calls an oEmbed endpoint and renders the embedded content.
Engine The engine is the primary entry point for the generation process.
Execute Executes custom code that returns documents, modules, or new content.
Figure Generates HTML5 figure elements.
FileName Optimizes a specified metadata key as a filename.
Flatten Flattens a tree structure given child documents are stored in a given metadata key ("Children" by default). The flattened documents are returned in no particular order.
ForEach Executes the input documents one at a time against the specified child modules.
FrontMatter Extracts the first part of content for each document and sends it to a child module for processing.
Giphy Embeds a Giphy gif.
Gist Embeds a GitHub gist.
Globber Helper methods to work with globbing patterns.
GroupBy Splits a sequence of documents into groups based on a specified function or metadata key.
GroupByMany Splits a sequence of documents into groups based on a specified function or metadata key that returns or contains a sequence of group keys.
If Evaluates a series of child modules for each input document if a specified condition is met.
IfCondition A collection of optionally named modules.
Include Processes include statements to include files from the file system.
Include Includes a file from the virtual file system.
Index Adds a one-based index to every document as metadata.
Join Joins documents together with an optional delimiter to form one document.
Link Renders a link from the given path, using default settings or specifying overrides as appropriate.
LocalFileProvider A provider that can instantiate Wyam.Common.IO.IFile and Wyam.Common.IO.IDirectory objects from their paths.
Merge Replaces the content and merges metadata of each input document with the results of specified modules.
Meta Renders the metadata value with the given key from the current document.
Meta Adds the specified metadata to each input document.
ModuleCollection Executes child modules enabling better reuse.
Objects Creates documents from a set of objects. Any input documents will be ignored. The objects can be anything, and the collection can be heterogenous. Dictionary<string, object> will be handled natively and each key-value pair will be added to the output document metdata. Anything else will be reflected and turned into a Dictionary<string, object> with metadata for each property.
OrderBy Orders the input documents based on the specified key function.
Paginate Splits a sequence of documents into multiple pages.
Prepend Prepends the specified content to the existing content of each document.
Raw A special shortcode that will output whatever is in it's content.
ReadApplicationInput Reads text provided to the application on startup.
ReadFiles Reads the content of files from the file system into the content of new documents.
Redirect Handles redirected content by creating pages with meta refresh tags or other redirect files.
Replace Replaces a search string in the content of each input document with new content.
ReplaceIn Replaces a search string in the specified content with the content of input documents.
RequestHeaders The request headers to use with the Wyam.Core.Modules.IO.Download module.
Shortcodes Renders shortcodes in the input documents.
Sidecar Extracts the content of a Sidecar file for each document and sends it to a child module for processing.
Sitemap Generates a sitemap from the input documents.
Sort Sorts the input documents based on the specified comparison delegate.
Sql Creates documents from the results of a SQL query. Each row is output as a new document and every column is used as the metadata (or content) of the new document. Input documents are ignored.
Switch Executes sequences of modules depending on whether the input document contains a specified value.
Table Renders an HTML table.
Take Takes the first X documents from the current pipeline and discards the rest.
Title Sets a title metadata key for documents based on their file path or source.
Trace Outputs trace messages during execution.
Tree Adds metadata to the input documents that describes the position of each one in a tree structure.
Twitter Renders a Tweet.
UnwrittenFiles Outputs only those documents that have not yet been written to the file system.
ValidateMeta<T> Tests metadata for existence, typing, and supplied assertions.
Where Filters the current sequence of modules using a predicate.
WriteFiles Writes the content of each input document to the file system.
Xml Creates new documents from elements within XML. This module will either ignore input documents and use specificed XML content or use the content from input documents depending on how it's configured. An XPath expression can be used to find target XML elements, and the InnerXml of each child element of the target elements as well as the values of each attribute will be placed into the metadata of the generated documents.
Xslt Transforms input documents using a supplied XSLT template.
YouTube Embeds a YouTube video.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
JoinedMetadata Specifies how to deal with metadata from joined documents.