PagesSettings Class


Settings for the Wyam.Web.Pipelines.Pages pipeline.
Base Types
  • Object
graph BT Type-->Base0["Object"] Type["PagesSettings"] class Type type-node


public class PagesSettings


Name Value Summary
CreateTree bool
true to create a tree from the pages, false to leave the pages flat.
IgnorePaths ContextConfig
A delegate that should return a string or IEnumerable<string> with patterns for folders and files to ignore. If the delegate is null, no paths will be ignored.
MarkdownConfiguration ContextConfig
A delegate that returns the string configuration for the Markdown processor.
MarkdownExtensionTypes ContextConfig
A delegate that returns a sequence of System.Type for Markdown extensions.
PagesPattern ContextConfig
A delegate that should return a string with the glob to pages. If null, a default globbing pattern of "**" is used. This should match one or more directories.
PrependLinkRoot ContextConfig
Set to true to prepend a configured LinkRoot to all root-relative Markdown links.
ProcessIncludes DocumentConfig
A delegate that returns a bool indicating if documents should be processed with the Wyam.Core.Modules.IO.Include module.
Sort Comparison<IDocument>
Sorts the documents based on a comparison. If null, the sorting will be based on the document title.
TreePlaceholderFactory Func<Object[], MetadataItems, IExecutionContext, IDocument>
A factory to use for creating tree placeholders at points in the tree where no actual pages were found. If null, the default placeholder factory will be used which outputs empty index files.