IShortcodeCollection Interface

Implementing Types
graph BT Type-.->Interface0["IReadOnlyShortcodeCollection"] click Interface0 "/api/Wyam.Common.Shortcodes/IReadOnlyShortcodeCollection" Type-.->Interface1["IReadOnlyCollection<string>"] Type["IShortcodeCollection"] class Type type-node Implementing0["TestShortcodeCollection"]-.->Type click Implementing0 "/api/Wyam.Testing.Shortcodes/TestShortcodeCollection"


public interface IShortcodeCollection : IReadOnlyShortcodeCollection, IReadOnlyCollection<string>


Name Value Summary
Add(string, ContextConfig) void
Adds a shortcode and uses a Wyam.Common.Configuration.ContextConfig to determine the shortcode result.
Add(string, DocumentConfig) void
Adds a shortcode and uses a Wyam.Common.Configuration.DocumentConfig to determine the shortcode result.
Add(string, Func<KeyValuePair<string, string>[], IDocument, IExecutionContext, string>) void
Adds a shortcode that determines the result content using the declared arguments and the current document and execution context.
Add(string, Func<KeyValuePair<string, string>[], IExecutionContext, string>) void
Adds a shortcode that determines the result content using the declared arguments and the current execution context.
Add(string, Func<KeyValuePair<string, string>[], string, IDocument, IExecutionContext, IShortcodeResult>) void
Adds a shortcode that determines the result content using the declared arguments and content and the current document and execution context.
Add(string, Func<KeyValuePair<string, string>[], string, IDocument, IExecutionContext, string>) void
Adds a shortcode that determines the result content using the declared arguments and content and the current document and execution context.
Add(string, Func<KeyValuePair<string, string>[], string, IExecutionContext, string>) void
Adds a shortcode that determines the result content using the declared arguments and content and the current execution context.
Add(string, Func<KeyValuePair<string, string>[], string, string>) void
Adds a shortcode that determines the result content using the declared arguments and content.
Add(string, Func<KeyValuePair<string, string>[], string>) void
Adds a shortcode that determines the result content using the declared arguments.
Add(string, Func<string, IDocument, IExecutionContext, string>) void
Adds a shortcode that determines the result content using the declared content and the current document and execution context.
Add(string, Func<string, IExecutionContext, string>) void
Adds a shortcode that determines the result content using the declared content and the current execution context.
Add(string, Func<string, string>) void
Adds a shortcode that determines the result content using the declared content.
Add(string, string) void
Adds a shortcode and specifies the result content.
Add(string, Type) void
Adds a shortcode by type.
Add(Type) void
Adds a shortcode by type, infering the name from the type name.
Add<TShortcode>() void
Adds a shortcode by type, infering the name from the type name.
Add<TShortcode>(string) void
Adds a shortcode by type.