Wyam.Common.IO Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
DirectoryEqualityComparer Compares Wyam.Common.IO.IDirectory equality.
DirectoryPath Represents a directory path.
FileEqualityComparer Compares Wyam.Common.IO.IFile equality.
FilePath Represents a file path.
NormalizedPath Provides properties and instance methods for working with paths.
PathCollection<TPath> An ordered collection of unique Wyam.Common.IO.NormalizedPath.
PathEqualityComparer Compares Wyam.Common.IO.NormalizedPath instances.

Interface Types

Interface Summary
IDirectory Represents a directory. Not all implementations will support all available methods and may throw System.NotSupportedException.
IFile Represents a file. Not all implementations will support all available methods and may throw System.NotSupportedException.
IFileProvider A provider that can instantiate Wyam.Common.IO.IFile and Wyam.Common.IO.IDirectory objects from their paths.
IFileProviderCollection A collection of file providers mapped to schemes.
IFileSystem A file system that can be configured.
IFileSystemEntry Represents an entry in the file system
IReadOnlyFileProviderCollection A read-only collection of file providers mapped to schemes.
IReadOnlyFileSystem Represents a file system.

Enum Types

Enum Summary
PathKind The kind of the path.