TraceExceptionsExtensions Class


Extensions to send exception messages to trace output with relevant context such as currently executing module and document.
Base Types
  • Object
graph BT Type-->Base0["Object"] Type["TraceExceptionsExtensions"] class Type type-node


public static class TraceExceptionsExtensions


Name Value Summary
ForEach(IExecutionContext, IEnumerable<IDocument>, Action<IDocument>) void
If an exception is thrown within the action, an error messages will be sent to the trace output containing information about the document source, the current module, and the exception message. The exception will also be re-thrown once the message has been sent to the trace listeners.
ParallelForEach(IExecutionContext, IEnumerable<IDocument>, Action<IDocument>) void
If an exception is thrown within the action, an error messages will be sent to the trace output containing information about the document source, the current module, and the exception message. The exception will also be re-thrown once the message has been sent to the trace listeners.
Select(ParallelQuery<IDocument>, IExecutionContext, Func<IDocument, IDocument>) ParallelQuery<IDocument>
Evaluates a PLINQ Select method over a sequence of Wyam.Common.Documents.IDocument and traces any exceptions.
Select<TResult>(IEnumerable<IDocument>, IExecutionContext, Func<IDocument, TResult>) IEnumerable<TResult>
Evaluates a LINQ Select method and traces any exceptions.
SelectMany(ParallelQuery<IDocument>, IExecutionContext, Func<IDocument, IEnumerable<IDocument>>) ParallelQuery<IDocument>
Evaluates a PLINQ SelectMany method over a sequence of Wyam.Common.Documents.IDocument and traces any exceptions.
SelectMany<TResult>(IEnumerable<IDocument>, IExecutionContext, Func<IDocument, IEnumerable<TResult>>) IEnumerable<TResult>
Evaluates a LINQ SelectMany method and traces any exceptions.
TraceExceptions(IExecutionContext, Action) void
If an exception is thrown within the action, an error messages will be sent to the trace output containing information about the current module and the exception message. The exception will also be re-thrown once the message has been sent to the trace listeners.
TraceExceptions(IExecutionContext, IDocument, Action<IDocument>) void
If an exception is thrown within the action, an error messages will be sent to the trace output containing information about the document source, the current module, and the exception message. The exception will also be re-thrown once the message has been sent to the trace listeners.
TraceExceptions<TResult>(IExecutionContext, Func<TResult>) TResult
If an exception is thrown within the action, an error messages will be sent to the trace output containing information about the current module and the exception message. The exception will also be re-thrown once the message has been sent to the trace listeners.
TraceExceptions<TResult>(IExecutionContext, IDocument, Func<IDocument, TResult>) TResult
If an exception is thrown within the action, an error messages will be sent to the trace output containing information about the document source, the current module, and the exception message. The exception will also be re-thrown once the message has been sent to the trace listeners.
Where(IEnumerable<IDocument>, IExecutionContext, Func<IDocument, bool>) IEnumerable<IDocument>
Evaluates a LINQ Where method and traces any exceptions.